Friday, November 7, 2008

Thrusday Night Blob Tests

I couldn't wait to upload these shots!

Last night, hopped up on volcano tacos and sparks, Jake and I put together some test animations for our up coming short film we're working on. I won't say which one, But it involved a lot of clay and blue hands; very, very, berry? blue hands. Jake and I took turns animating while the other "observed" (I call it back seat animating). we got four tests completed. I animated the first and third shot. Jake did the second and fourth shot.

We were focusing on developing entrances and mobility with a viscous anthropomorphic character. We also tried breaking away from the shape of the character, becoming something more organic, and returning to something anthropomorphic.

But enough with the two dollar words, I'll let the video speak for itself.

Blob Monster Tests from Keenan Manely on Vimeo.

Yes Jake, I went over to the light side and started a vimeo account. My soul feels better already.

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